In the latest launch event held by Apple on 11th November 2020, they have announced the new Silicon processor for Mac line-ups such as Macbook and iMac. Silicon processors have been developed for decades and been used for their Tablets, Watches, and Smartphones. Earlier this year, they have announced to cut ties with Intel - which was the processor they have been using for its Pc line-ups previously and make their own processors for the average workload done by an average OSX user. Silicon chips usually co consume less power and still outputs incredible performances. The Silicon chips which will be specifically used in Macs are called the "M1". Usually, every computer has its RAMs, GPUs, I/O, separately. But M1 unifies all those components into one set. The Unified memory architecture provides High Bandwidth of data transfer as fast as possible and access to the entire SoC. This is also the first CPU to use 5nm transistors (While AMD uses 7nm). "M1" has 16 bill...
Cosmic Physics Though it has started recently, it's best for cosmic enthusiasts. It is well written and frequently posted. World Science U This website contains lectures by famous physicists. One of the best course is Special Relativity by Brian Greene. See The Elegant Universe By Brian Greene to know more. Khan Academy - High School You would have all known Khan Academy. It is the best online tool for school children. If you have begun physics and don't know the basics yet, this is the right place to start! are updated frequently, so contains up to date news. The Institute of Physics The official blog of IOP (the Institute of Physics) is a discussion about advancing physics for the benefit of all.