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Liquid Seas found under the surface of Mars!

ESA or the European Space Agency has discovered various bodies of liquids under the surface of Mars. They have discovered liquids under the south pole with the help of Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) instrument . The Radar of MARSIS penetrates the surface of Mars and ice, thus sensed liquids in size of oceans and seas. A large body of the liquid was found separated from small bodies by dry patches. Liquid Bodies are found under the south pole of Mars     This is not our first discovery.  MARSIS has found liquids before in 2018. But scientists were sceptical. It once again proved the discovery.   The discovery is a major step of the journey of life on Mars. Whether they are extinct or not, we have a chance for colonisation in Mars. Maybe the liquid is water !

Different Architectures of NVidia GPUs

In today's blog, we will be discussing the different types of architecture(current) of the NVidia GPUs. You might have noticed some terms like Pascal, Turing and Ampere . These are the three types of architecture in which NVidia Graphics Card works. Pascal Architecture: Pascal is a codename for the GPU architecture developed by NVidia. This architecture was introduced in 2016.  This architecture is primarily used in the GeForce 10 Series  starting with the GeForce GTX 1080 and GTX 1070, which were released on May 17, 2016, and June 10, 2016, respectively.  The architecture was named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal. This architecture has 64-128 CUDA cores, a memory bandwidth of 720GiB/s, and NVlink. They also announced the RayTracing support for Pascal Architecture in 2019 after a driver update, Turing Architecture: Turing is a codename for the GPU architecture developed by NVidia. This architecture was introduced in 2018. This architecture was primarily used by RTX 20

Life on Venus! We forgot to check our Earth's twin!

  A scientific study published in 2019, says that we can find extraterrestrial life by finding the amount of  phosphine  in the atmosphere of planets. Phosphine is a gas produced by anaerobic organisms, organisms who don't need oxygen to live. Phosphine : PH 3 Phosphine is found in gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn. It is because of an abundant source of hydrogen, not due to life forms. But in oxygen-rich like Earth, they are not prevalent.    Phosphine Molecules on the clouds of Venus   Recently, we have discovered phosphine in the clouds of Venus. It is not our first sighting. Vega probes of Soviet union have landed on the surface of Venus and predicted phosphorus. But it was not precise. Vega founded particles about 1 micron thick (Thickness of bacteria) suspending on the atmosphere. But how anything can live in Venus which is covered by a deadly acid, Sulphuric acid! Picture of Surface of Venus One of the ideas is that sulphur molecule (S8) covers microbes of the Venus. Sulph

Rusting of Moon! But How?

Chandrayaan 1 orbiter has shown that the moon is rusting! People who have studied school would have known that iron rusts when exposed to oxygen or water, and there is no atmosphere surrounding the moon. So how does the moon rust? WHAT IS RUST? Rust or Iron Oxide is a chemical phenomenon found in iron gates, nails and any other iron exposed to oxygen. WHY IS MARS REDDISH? You guessed it! The culprit is rust.       HOW IS MOON GETTING RUST? DOES IT HAVE A SECRET ATMOSPHERE? Moon does not have an atmosphere. It's Earth's fault! Maybe the atmosphere of Earth causes the moon to rust. A type of rust called  Hematite  is found rich in the poles. It first shocked the people. But then they figured out that water on the moon may react with rocks, to cause a variety of rocks! SO, WHAT'S NEXT? Moon will slowly go reddish like mars. That's all.

What are the different editions of WIndows 10?

There are 3 editions in Windows 10. Each edition can be useful in various ways. You can pick the preferred Windows10 from the official website of Windows. If you have been using windows for quite a long time, you might have heard about the different versions of Windows. In this blog, we will be taking a better look at the different editions of Windows 10.  Windows 10 Home Most pre-built computers and laptops are shipped with Windows 10 Home. It contains every feature a common man needs. there are no missing features here when compared to Windows 10 Pro unless you are some sort of a Tech Savy. It does have certain limitations though. This Operating System can only support up to 128GB. You may think why having this much amount of RAM isn't enough. It's because you aren't a Tech Savy. No one usually uses at least more than 64GB RAM either. Another missing "feature" is the BitLocker which allows you to lock your hard drive to encrypt your files. Windows 10 Pro Window

Why are there different types of Mozilla Firefox?

  Firefox is a fast and famous browser, developed by a non-profit. Firefox's speed and privacy were the key points that brought them up. By hearing all this, at last, you go to Mozilla Firefox Website to download it. But there are different types! Which one should you choose and which one you should download? STABLE EDITION It is the most used and stable Firefox Browser. It is the one you have seen in your computer lab. Firefox updates it every six weeks, checks and revises and, thus bug-free. BETA EDITION   It is one step ahead from the stable version. Beta versions have the next update or release of the stable version but sooner. Beta also has some minor security things for good. For instance, a developer can run an unpublished add-on in the beta version, but not in the stable version since the stable version does only allow authorised add-on. Beta can be good for those who are curious browser to see the next updates. For the developers, we have the next one! DEV EDITION  

LG WING - The new stylish Form Factor

LG WING, a new form factor was unveiled on 14th September 2020 by the Department Leader of LG Electronics, the UK - Andrew Coughlin. He also announced its new "The Explorer Project" which focuses on innovative technologies like LG WING. He also talks about people's expectations of smartphones in the 5G Era. The Explorer Project "The explorer project imagines different approaches to the existing premium smartphones that all look and functions the same", quoted Andrew Coughlin LG also promises to bring more innovative form factors in the future. Qualcomm - The leading mobile processor manufacturer has partnered with LG from the start of the making of this new form factor. They have also optimized Qualcomm Snapdragon 765g  to bring a much more reliable experience to the users and provide a fully new and different mobile experiences.  Camera Setup The first product of "The Explorer Project" is the LG WING. Austin Evans - A popular tech YouTuber and a tec